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<진화를 꿈꿔 버린 다리>

2008. 혼합 매체, 100×35×45cm

<The Leg That Dreamed of Evolution>

2008. Mixed media, 100×35×45cm

<구두방 & 구ː두방>

2016. 혼합 매체, 가변 설치, 23×12×14cm, 65×18×70cm, 24×21×12cm, 20×8×18cm

<Shoe Room & Oral Room>


김민형은 자본주의 사회에서 여성으로 살아가며 느끼게 되는 욕망과 자본이 만들어내는 욕망, 개인의 콤플렉스를 자극하며 소비심리를 조종하는 쇼핑의 매커니즘에 주목합니다. 그의 작업 주제는 주로 본인이 체감한 신체적 콤플렉스에서 온 것으로 하이힐 프로젝트, 네일케어 프로젝트로 표현되었습니다. 소비대상인 오브제에 대한 그의 시선은 점차 소비의 과정에서 실제로 벌어지는 인간적인 소통에 대한 관심으로 확장되었습니다.

Kim Minhyung

Kim Minhyung examines people’s desires, particularly those of women, and how they are stimulated by capitalist society. In doing so, she identifies the mechanisms of shopping, which exploit personal insecurities to encourage more consumption. Her primary focus arises from her own body dissatisfaction, embodied in her High Heel series and Nail Care series. Her interest in the objects of consumption has gradually broadened from the consumption process to encompass the human interaction that takes place in it.

Kim Minhyung examines people’s desires, particularly those of women, and how they are stimulated by capitalist society. In doing so, she identifies the mechanisms of shopping, which exploit personal insecurities to encourage more consumption. Her primary focus arises from her own body dissatisfaction, embodied in her High Heel series and Nail Care series. Her interest in the objects of consumption has gradually broadened from the consumption process to encompass the human interaction that takes place in it.

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