<수영장 프로젝트 – 세상의 경계에서 외치다 “나는 행복해요.”>
2006. 디지털 크로모제닉 프린트, 디아섹, 100×70×2.05cm ed. 2/3
<Swimming Pool Project – Crying at the Boundary of the World “I Am Happy.”>
Digital chromogenic print, diasec, 100×70×2.05cm ed. 2/3

정윤선은 밀도 깊은 리서치를 기반으로 설치, 퍼포먼스, 아카이빙, 커뮤니티 아트 등 다양한 매체를 이용한 작업을 합니다. 지역과 인간, 공동체의 관계와 맥락에 대해 깊은 관심이 있으며 현실의 문제를 자신의 몸을 통해 명료하게 드러내는 과정을 거치며 인간 실존에 관해 탐구합니다. 국내외 다수의 레지던스에 머물며 지역 기반 작업을 진행했습니다.
Jung Yunsun
Jung Yunsun bases her work on extensive research, employing a variety of media including installation, performance, archiving, and community art. Deeply interested in the contexts in which we interact and engage with local areas and communities, she delves into the meaning of human existence by crystallizing real-world issues through her own body. She has created several community-based works while staying at various residencies both in South Korea and abroad.
Jung Yunsun bases her work on extensive research, employing a variety of media including installation, performance, archiving, and community art. Deeply interested in the contexts in which we interact and engage with local areas and communities, she delves into the meaning of human existence by crystallizing real-world issues through her own body. She has created several community-based works while staying at various residencies both in South Korea and abroad.