1992 나무에 아크릴 93×39×7.5cm
1992. Acrylic on wood 93×39×7.5cm

2004. Mixed Media 200×200cm
<Red gate with spiked top>
2016. Color pigment on hanji 30.2×45cm

2016. 한지 위에 분채 30.2×45cm
<We are matrilineal family>
2016. Color pigment on hanji 30.2×45cm

2018. 혼합매체 255×100×175cm
2018. Mixed media 255×100×175cm
<We are matrilineal family>

2018. 한지 위에 분채 70×93cm
<Self portrait>
2018. Color pigment on hanji 70×93cm

윤석남은 한국의 대표적인 여성주의 예술가입니다. 40대의 나이에 미술계에 입문한 그는 1985년 김인순, 김진숙과 ‘시월모임’을 결성하여 1986년 제 2회 그룹전 《반에서 하나로》(1986)를 개최하였고, 이후 ‘여성미술연구회’ 회원으로 《여성과 현실》전에 참여하는 등 한국 여성주의 미술의 주요한 순간을 이끌어 왔습니다. 그의 작품세계는 ‘어머니’에서 시작되어 자화상, 근현대 여성들의 초상과 소외된 생명에 대한 생태적 관심으로 확장되었습니다.
Yun suknam
Yun Suknam, one of the most prominent feminist artists from South Korea, entered the art world in her 40s. She spearheaded key moments in the Korean feminist art movement, such as forming the Siwol Gathering with Kim In-sun and Kim Jin-suk in 1985 and covering women’s issues in the group’s second exhibition From Half to Whole (1986). Later, she participated in the historic Women and Reality exhibitions as a Women’s Art Research Association member. Yun’s lifelong oeuvre stems from her early masterpiece series Mother and expanded to include portraits of herself and other women of her time, as well as later works on the theme of ecology.
Yun Suknam, one of the most prominent feminist artists from South Korea, entered the art world in her 40s. She spearheaded key moments in the Korean feminist art movement, such as forming the Siwol Gathering with Kim In-sun and Kim Jin-suk in 1985 and covering women’s issues in the group’s second exhibition From Half to Whole (1986). Later, she participated in the historic Women and Reality exhibitions as a Women’s Art Research Association member. Yun’s lifelong oeuvre stems from her early masterpiece series Mother and expanded to include portraits of herself and other women of her time, as well as later works on the theme of ecology.