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<디지 아이즈Dizzy Eyes>

2018. 세라믹, 가변 설치

2018. Ceramic, dimensions variable by installation


2020. 세라믹, 가변 설치

2020. Ceramic, dimensions variable by installation


2022. 혼합 매체, 가변 설치

2022. Mixed media, dimensions variable by installation


2018. 세라믹, 24×14×20cm

2018. Ceramic, 24×14×20cm


박영선은 친근한 캐릭터를 통해 일상에서 느끼는 불안과 두려움을 이미지화하고 ‘집’이라는 공간에 초점을 맞춰 한국의 가부장적 집단가족주의 안에서 그가 느낀 단절과 고독을 드러냅니다. 이는 오랜 기간 가정에 전념하기 위해 작업을 중단했던 그의 경험을 바탕으로 합니다.

Park Youngsun

Park Youngsun visualizes anxieties and fears experienced in our daily lives through familiar characters. Her particular interest in the domain of “home” exposes the insecurities and feeling of alienation that she felt within the patriarchal and collectivist familism. This is heavily influenced by her personal experience of having to stop her creative work for a long time to focus on her family.

Park Youngsun visualizes anxieties and fears experienced in our daily lives through familiar characters. Her particular interest in the domain of “home” exposes the insecurities and feeling of alienation that she felt within the patriarchal and collectivist familism. This is heavily influenced by her personal experience of having to stop her creative work for a long time to focus on her family.

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