<아들을 잃은 피에타>
2002. 디지털 크로모제닉 프린트, 32×45cm
<A Pieta Who Lost Her Son>
2002. Digital chromogenic print, 32×45cm

송상희는 서울에서 태어나 암스테르담을 기반으로 활동하며 영상, 드로잉, 퍼포먼스 등 다양한 미디어를 통해 사회와 역사 속에서 소외된 이들을 조명하는 서사를 만들어가는 작가입니다. ‘아들을 잃은 피에타’는 그의 초기작 중 하나로, 2000년대에 그는 한국의 중산층이자 비장애인 여성으로서 같은 계층의 여성들이 가부장제 아래서 보이는 경향과 행동양식, 가치관에 대한 근본적인 질문을 던짐으로써 눈에 보이지 않는 사회 시스템을 재검증하는 데 집중했습니다.
Song Sanghee
Song Sanghee is a Seoul-born, Amsterdam-based artist. Through various mediums such as video, drawing, and performance, she creates narratives that shed light on those who have been marginalized by society throughout history. As a middle-class, non-disabled Korean woman, she has posed a radical challenge to the norms, behaviors, and value systems that women of her class have typically adhered to under patriarchal dominance. Her confrontational approach, evident in one of her earlier works in the 2000s, Pietà of Losing a Son, seeks to reassess aspects of our social system that often go unnoticed.
Song Sanghee is a Seoul-born, Amsterdam-based artist. Through various mediums such as video, drawing, and performance, she creates narratives that shed light on those who have been marginalized by society throughout history. As a middle-class, non-disabled Korean woman, she has posed a radical challenge to the norms, behaviors, and value systems that women of her class have typically adhered to under patriarchal dominance. Her confrontational approach, evident in one of her earlier works in the 2000s, Pietà of Losing a Son, seeks to reassess aspects of our social system that often go unnoticed.