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2022. 혼합 매체, 가변 설치


2022. Mixed media, dimensions variable by installation


최문선은 유년기부터 디지털에 익숙한 최초의 세대인 Z세대의 일원으로서 온라인 소셜미디어 속 개인과 사회의 관계에 주목합니다. 자신이 살아가며 목격하는 사회문제를 가볍고 휘발적인 인터넷 문화의 언어로 풀어낸 디지털 드로잉과 설치작업을 주로 합니다.

Choi Moonsun

Choi Moonsun, a digital-native tech-savvy Gen Z artist, explores the complex dynamics between individuals and society in the realm of social media. Through her digital drawings and installations, she addresses contemporary social issues in a language that reflects the fluid and ephemeral nature of internet culture.

Choi Moonsun, a digital-native tech-savvy Gen Z artist, explores the complex dynamics between individuals and society in the realm of social media. Through her digital drawings and installations, she addresses contemporary social issues in a language that reflects the fluid and ephemeral nature of internet culture.

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