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<두 여신 IV>

2009. 아카이벌 라이트젯 프린트, 180×250cm

<Two Graces IV>

2009. Archival lightjet print, 180×250cm

<고뇌하는 여신> 2011. 아카이벌 라이트젯 프린트, 180×250cm.

<Agonizing Grace> 2011. Archival lightjet print, 180×250cm.

<좌삼미신> 2009. 아카이벌 라이트젯 프린트, 180×250cm.

데비 한

데비 한은 동서양의 미(美) 이데올로기와 미디어 속 여성 이미지를 해체하고 재조립하는 시각예술가입니다. 초등학교 때 미국 이민을 떠나 코리안아메리칸으로 살아가다 2003년, 30대에 국내 레지던시에 초대받아 귀국하여 2011년까지 한국에 머물며 활동하였습니다. 서구의 미의 개념을 상징하는 그리스 비너스의 두상에 동양 여성의 신체를 합성한 섬세한 아날로그적 디지털 작업을 통해 다원화된 현대사회에서 이상화된 여성 이미지에 조소를 던지며 깊은 통찰을 선사합니다

Debbie Han

Debbie Han is a visual artist who deconstructs and reassembles beauty ideologies and representations of women in the media in both Western and Eastern cultures. Having immigrated to the United States as an elementary school student, she returned to South Korea in 2003 in her thirties to participate in a residency program and remained there until 2011. Her delicate analog-looking digital work incorporates realistic bodies of Asian women to the head of the Greek goddess Venus, an iconic symbol of Western beauty, mocking the oppressive idealized images of women and offering deep insights.

Debbie Han is a visual artist who deconstructs and reassembles beauty ideologies and representations of women in the media in both Western and Eastern cultures. Having immigrated to the United States as an elementary school student, she returned to South Korea in 2003 in her thirties to participate in a residency program and remained there until 2011. Her delicate analog-looking digital work incorporates realistic bodies of Asian women to the head of the Greek goddess Venus, an iconic symbol of Western beauty, mocking the oppressive idealized images of women and offering deep insights.

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