<뷰티 리커버리 룸 001, 22세, 서울, 한국Beauty Recovery Room 001, 22 Years Old, Seoul, South Korea>
2012. 디지털 피그먼트 프린트, 101.6×76.2cm
2012. Digital pigment print, 101.6×76.2cm

여지는 사회의 미적 기준에 맞춰 스스로를 재단하고 성형하는 여성들을 다큐멘터리 형식으로 기록합니다. 성형수술 직후의 모습을 담은 <Beauty Recovery Room>, 성형외과 병원 내부의 모습을 담은 <It Will Hurt A Little>, 모델 지망생들의 포트레이트를 기록한 <Casting Call> 시리즈를 통해 한국의 미용 성형 산업의 이면을 드러내고 한국인의 미에 대한 열망을 기록했습니다. 한국에서 태어나 뉴욕을 기반으로 활동하고 있습니다.
Yeo Ji
Yeo Ji documents women who cut up and mutilate their bodies in the name of cosmetic surgeries to meet society’s aesthetic standards. In her various works, she reveals the dark underbelly of the Korean cosmetic surgery industry and examines the pressure on Korean women to conform. Beauty Recovery Room, for instance, follows patients immediately after their surgeries, while It Will Hurt A Little explores the inner workings of a plastic surgery clinic and Casting Call features portraits of aspiring models. She was born in South Korea and is now a New York-based artist.
Yeo Ji documents women who cut up and mutilate their bodies in the name of cosmetic surgeries to meet society’s aesthetic standards. In her various works, she reveals the dark underbelly of the Korean cosmetic surgery industry and examines the pressure on Korean women to conform. Beauty Recovery Room, for instance, follows patients immediately after their surgeries, while It Will Hurt A Little explores the inner workings of a plastic surgery clinic and Casting Call features portraits of aspiring models. She was born in South Korea and is now a New York-based artist.