<해파리 인간>
2020. 단채널 비디오, 컬러, 사운드, 1′ 46′′
Single channel video, color, sound, 1′ 46′′

작살은 초현실적이고 사색적인 시각효과를 만들어내는 방식에 관심을 두고 있습니다. <해파리 인간>은 디지털 이미지와 영상을 사용하여 사회적으로 쉽게 대상화되는 여성의 생식을 동화적이고 유희적인 서사를 통해 비틀며 이는 육체로부터의 해방의 개념을 발현시킵니다.
gig is intrigued by different methods of creating surreal and contemplative visuals. In her artwork Jellyfish Human, she employs digital imagery and video to twist the process of female reproduction, which is too easily objectified, into a whimsical fairytale-like narrative. It invites the viewer to imagine a liberated state from the constraints of their physical bodies.
gig is intrigued by different methods of creating surreal and contemplative visuals. In her artwork Jellyfish Human, she employs digital imagery and video to twist the process of female reproduction, which is too easily objectified, into a whimsical fairytale-like narrative. It invites the viewer to imagine a liberated state from the constraints of their physical bodies.