<누군가의 상처>
2015 단채널 비디오, 컬러, 사운드, 9′ 4′′
<Someone’s Wound>
2015. Single channel video, color, sound,

<The Moment 1,2,3>
2019. 디지털 크로모제닉 프린트, 30×20cm (5)
2019. Digital chromogenic print, 30×20cm (5)
2019. Digital chromogenic print, 70×100cm

<안에서 자라다 2>
2019. 디지털 크로모제닉 프린트, 70×100cm
<Growing Inside 2>
2019. Digital chromogenic print, 70×100cm

2010. 단채널 비디오, 컬러, 사운드, 5′ 42′′
2010. Single channel video, color, sound, 5′ 42′′

박상은은 자신이 가진 알러지의 일종인 피부묘기증(Dermatographism)을 매개로 여성, 성소수자 등 사회적으로 소외되고 고립된 사람들의 상처를 시각화시킨 영상과 사진 작업을 주로 하였습니다. 결혼 후 이어진 임신, 출산, 육아로 인해 작가 생활을 중단하게 되면서 가부장적 한국 사회에서 살아가는 여성으로서 자신의 정체성을 재발견하고, 여성으로서 체감한 관습적인 강제성에 집중한 작업을 발표하였습니다.
Park Sang-eun
Park Sang-eun incorporates her condition of dermatographism, where irritated parts of the skin raise, as a major medium in her works. Her photography and video art center around visualizing the wounds of socially marginalized and isolated groups such as women and sexual minorities. After putting her artistic career on hold due to marriage and subsequent motherhood, Park rediscovered her identity as a woman living in a patriarchal Korean society. This experience compelled her to concentrate on the oppressive customs that women endure.
Park Sang-eun incorporates her condition of dermatographism, where irritated parts of the skin raise, as a major medium in her works. Her photography and video art center around visualizing the wounds of socially marginalized and isolated groups such as women and sexual minorities. After putting her artistic career on hold due to marriage and subsequent motherhood, Park rediscovered her identity as a woman living in a patriarchal Korean society. This experience compelled her to concentrate on the oppressive customs that women endure.