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<헤이리 여신 우마드>

디지털 크로모제닉 프린트, 173×121cm

<WOMAD – Goddess of Mother Earth and Fertility, Goddess of Love and Passion, Goddess of Indignation, Goddess of Salvation and Death>

Digital chromogenic print, 173×121cm


박영숙은 가부장적 사회에서 배제의 대상으로 여겨지는 여성성을 도발적으로 부각시킨 초상사진을 주로 작업한 한국의 1세대 여성 사진작가입니다. 《우리 봇물을 트자: 여성 해방 시와 그림의 만남》(1988)에 참여하고, ‘여성미술연구회’에서 활동하며 한국 현대 사진사와 페미니즘 미술 운동에 주요한 역할을 해 왔습니다. 2006년부터 2019년까지 한국 최초의 사진 전문 갤러리인 트렁크갤러리를 운영했습니다.

Park Youngsook

Park Youngsook is a first-generation female photographer in South Korea, whose provocative portraits of women confront the patriarchal rejection of certain aspects of womanness. She has played a historic role in modern photography and the feminist art movement in South Korea, through her participation in Let Us Open the Water: Women's Liberation Poetry and Painting (1988) and her work with the Women's Art Research Association. She directed Trunk Gallery, Korea's first gallery specializing in photography, from 2006 to 2019.

Park Youngsook is a first-generation female photographer in South Korea, whose provocative portraits of women confront the patriarchal rejection of certain aspects of womanness. She has played a historic role in modern photography and the feminist art movement in South Korea, through her participation in Let Us Open the Water: Women's Liberation Poetry and Painting (1988) and her work with the Women's Art Research Association. She directed Trunk Gallery, Korea's first gallery specializing in photography, from 2006 to 2019.

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