<위민 오브 아일랜드The Women of Island>
2012-2014. 슬라이드 뷰어에 컬러 필름, 20.5×30×26cm
2012-2014. Color positive film on viewer, 20.5×30×26cm

박희자는 한국과 독일에서 활동하며 사진을 베이스로 현시대에 사진매체가 어떻게 기능하는지 탐구하고 ‘바라보기’를 통해 예술과 창작에 관한 근본적인 질문을 던집니다. <The Women of Island>시리즈는 박희자의 초기작으로, 서른 즈음의 여성들이 겪는 삶에 대한 정체감으로부터 파생되는 감각적 충돌을 포착하였습니다.
Bahc Heeza
Bahc Heeza, an artist based in South Korea and Germany, studies how the medium of photography functions in the contemporary world and raises fundamental questions about art and creativity through her “gaze”. The Women of Island series, one of her earlier works, captures the conflicting senses women in their thirties experience in their seemingly stagnant lives.
Bahc Heeza, an artist based in South Korea and Germany, studies how the medium of photography functions in the contemporary world and raises fundamental questions about art and creativity through her “gaze”. The Women of Island series, one of her earlier works, captures the conflicting senses women in their thirties experience in their seemingly stagnant lives.