<1366 프로젝트>
2003. 디지털 프린트, 100×200cm
<1366 Project>
2003. Digital print, 100×200cm

노승복은 사진, 영상, 뉴미디어를 통해 죽음과 폭력 등 자신이 살아가며 마주하는 문제들을 주제로 작업합니다. 구조적이고 분석적인 그의 시선은 차가울 정도로 현상을 그대로 드러내면서도 그저 있는 그대로 관조합니다. <1366 프로젝트>는 그가 1366 여성의 전화 자원봉사를 하며 접한 가정폭력 피해자들의 증거 자료용 사진을 의도적으로 확대하고 추상화하여 사회적으로 은닉되는 폭력을 함의하였습니다.
Roh Seungbok
Roh Seungbok explores disturbingly ordinary issues, such as death and violence, through photography, video, and new media. Her structured and analytical approach chillingly reveals reality as it is while maintaining a sense of detachment. The 1366 Project, for instance, involves enlarging and abstracting evidentiary photos of battered women she met while volunteering for the 1366 Women’s Emergency Hot-Line with the intention to bring socially concealed acts of violence into light.
Roh Seungbok explores disturbingly ordinary issues, such as death and violence, through photography, video, and new media. Her structured and analytical approach chillingly reveals reality as it is while maintaining a sense of detachment. The 1366 Project, for instance, involves enlarging and abstracting evidentiary photos of battered women she met while volunteering for the 1366 Women’s Emergency Hot-Line with the intention to bring socially concealed acts of violence into light.